Factors To Consider When Selecting A Mattress

Shopping for a new mattress can be challenging. It’s not just about choosing a style that feels right; you need to consider the size and construction of the mattress, too.

Luckily, there are plenty of high-quality mattresses at every price point. To help you make the best choice for your budget and sleeping needs, talk to Box Drop Mattress & Furniture of Selah experts.


When selecting a mattress, comfort is the most important factor. It influences how well you sleep, which ultimately impacts your health and well-being. Many elements contribute to a comfortable mattress, including sleep position, body type, and personal preference for feel and materials. Also, if you have any sleep issues like being a hot sleeper or getting woken up by your partner moving around, the type of support and movement isolation materials you choose can have a big impact on your comfort.

Comfort can mean a lot of different things, but it mostly relates to how the topmost layer of the mattress feels on your body. Softer mattresses tend to feel more comfortable, while firmer ones provide better back support. However, the best mattresses provide a combination of both comfort and support to help you stay asleep through the night.

Another aspect of comfort is how responsive the mattress is and whether it’s easy to move around on. This can be a good or bad thing, depending on how much you move in your sleep. Some mattresses are harder to move on than others, which can be an issue for people with mobility issues or seniors.

The other major factor is the level of support and durability. A cheap, low-quality mattress is likely to sag or lose its shape over time, while a high-quality one will last longer and offer more support. The best mattress for you will depend on your budget and lifestyle.

Reading reviews is a great way to get an idea of how well a mattress performs. While you should take 1-star reviews with a grain of salt, specific patterns may indicate problems like sagging, loss of support after a few years, cooling features that don’t work, or poor edge support. You can also test out a mattress in person at a physical store to see how it feels before purchasing it online. This can be especially helpful for those who suffer from back pain or other sleep issues that require more support. It’s also a great way to try out different sizes and firmness levels to find the right one for you.


The materials used in a mattress can impact comfort and sleep quality. For example, traditional memory foam is known for trapping heat, but hybrid mattresses with gel or perforations can help reduce this effect and keep you cool throughout the night. If sustainability is important to you, look for organic materials that also wick away moisture. Other considerations are durability and odor control.

The material makeup of a mattress determines how it feels, including whether it supports your weight evenly and prevents sagging over time. It also impacts how the mattress responds to body movement, such as when your sleep partner moves or gets out of bed. Look for a mattress that isolates motion and allows you to easily move around on the bed without creating ripples or affecting your sleep.

Firmness is a key factor to consider, especially if you have back or neck pain. People with lower body weights will usually find that a medium-firm mattress is enough to support their bodies while providing enough comfort, while those who weigh more will need a firmer mattress.

Considering your preferred sleeping position can also influence your mattress needs. Side sleepers need a slightly softer mattress to avoid sinking too deeply, while back and stomach sleepers need a firmer one to maintain spinal alignment.

When comparing different mattresses, firmness, and support ratings are usually described on a scale of one to 10, with one being the softest and 10 being the firmest. However, the firmness of a mattress can vary between brands, and what may be considered medium-firm by one manufacturer may be too soft for another. For this reason, it’s important to test out mattresses in-store to get a feel for how they’ll contour your body and provide support. The right mattress should feel comfortable while supporting your whole body so that you can wake up feeling rested and refreshed. You can also read online reviews to see how other customers have found the firmness of a particular mattress. This will give you a more practical idea of how each brand’s mattresses feel and help narrow your choices.


Just as with clothing, not every mattress is “one size fits all.” The one that’s perfect for you might be a poor choice for someone else. This is why it’s important to keep comfort and support in mind when shopping for a mattress, whether you’re a first-time buyer or upgrading from your old bed.

You’ll also need to consider the size of your bedroom and how much space you’re willing to devote to your mattress. There are four standard mattress sizes: twin, full, queen, and king, with California king available in some brands.

The size of your room and whether you’ll be sharing it with a partner will determine which mattress size is right for you. Those with smaller rooms and/or who share their beds should opt for a larger size that will allow them to both comfortably sleep in the same bed.

A mattress’s firmness level is another factor that can vary widely from person to person. The firmness of a mattress is typically measured on a 10-point scale, with 1 being the softest and 10 being the firmest. The mattress firmness that’s best for you depends on your body type and sleeping position.

Lighter sleepers (130 to 230 pounds) tend to prefer softer mattresses that contour closely and provide plenty of cushioning and cradling. Those who weigh more than 230 pounds should look for medium to firm (7 to 8) mattresses that offer strong support without being too harsh on the back and joints.

Physical mattress stores offer the benefit of being able to try out a mattress in person, which can be helpful if you’re unsure about which one to buy. Many of these stores also have knowledgeable sales staff who can answer questions and provide recommendations. Also, keep an eye out for sales events held in July, when some of the biggest online mattress companies offer deals and bundles to lure shoppers in. Keep in mind, however, that a few minutes on the mattress in a store can’t fully reflect how it will feel after a night of sleep.


A good night’s sleep is a crucial factor in a healthy lifestyle, but selecting the right mattress can be a confusing and frustrating process. Navigating the wide variety of options, interpreting marketing lingo, and making budget decisions can make shopping for a mattress feel overwhelming. Many shoppers fall into the trap of thinking that a higher price tag equals better quality, but this is not always true. It is important to set a budget before shopping and stick to it.

Another factor to consider is where you buy your mattress. While brick-and-mortar stores have their advantages, online retailers offer several conveniences that can save you money. Online retailers typically charge less for their mattresses because they don’t have the same overhead costs as traditional stores. They also usually include shipping in the purchase price and most offer sleep trials or return policies that allow you to test the mattress before committing to keeping it.

Buying your mattress online also allows you to browse customer reviews and compare prices from multiple different vendors. You can also find out if the mattress you’re considering has been tested by independent review sites to ensure its quality and durability.

A mattress should be durable enough to last for at least a decade. Choosing one made with high-quality materials and a lifetime warranty can help you avoid the hassle of replacing it shortly.

If you decide to buy a mattress online, it’s important to look for a company with a reliable reputation and outstanding customer service. The best companies will have detailed return policies that specify the condition a mattress must be in to be eligible for a refund, any associated fees, and a convenient process for scheduling returns. They will also provide clear details about their warranties, which can range from a few years to a lifetime, and cover defects like sagging indents, and other problems that may develop over time.